Changing direction doesn't mean losing your way.

When it's time to move on, whether it's a change for your business or for you, then it's good to know there's someone there to support you through the process. 

  • If you are currently redirecting your business and undergoing a redundancy programme then i'm here to work in partnership to produce an effective and successful outplacement programme that will support and demonstrate your commitment to the wellbeing of your team
  • If you've applied for countless roles on a job site, constantly receive the 'thanks, but other candidates are stronger fits within our search criteria' email and are starting to quite frankly get frustrated with the whole job search process, then we need to talk. I will listen without bombarding you with jargon, equip you with the tools to sell your skills to a prospective employer and land that perfect job that you have been seeking. 



Supporting you

I know exactly what it's like to be in a position where you are looking for a new job. It can be an incredibly daunting task, you may have been thrown in to this situation without forewarning or being prepared. 

Click here to find out more

Supporting your business

It is very important for businesses to change and evolve to stay competitive. At times, this process can affect your teams in turn having a negative impact on morale and engagement.

By working together to develop a strategy that will equip your new team with stress management techniques whilst supporting your unsuccessful team with outplacement coaching.

Click here to find out more


Kerrie Evans, Founder of Change in Direction

I have over twenty years experience in human resources, coaching, recruitment and development, and a solid understanding of equipping people with the appropriate skills to realise their full potential.

I'm a committed and highly skilled outplacement and job search coach who will work in partnership with you to create a strategy, equip you or a team to secure their next role.

I have a coaching style will motivate you, inspire you and encourage you to try new methods and set goals that will ultimately improve health and careers!